Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Sam, Blake, Will and Claire relaxing at the cabin on Christmas Day.

Will and Tyler have some fun!

We had a great time with Laurence, Vanessa and family at Big Bear Lake, California.  The kids had fun reuniting and spending the holiday together.  


  1. Beautiful cabin! I love the video. We miss you all to and can't wait to celebrate Christmas in January! What an awesome singing video! Can't wait to show Sam and Dom in the morning.

  2. It looks like you guys had another great adventure! Thanks for sharing the pics with us and for singing your Christmas greeting. Glad you had a chance to spend time with Laurence and his lovely family. What next????
    Hugs to you all,

  3. Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Love you guys!

    Chris - you have to teach us how to save these videos somewhere cause I love them!

    Sam & Blake have gotten so big!!!

  4. Merry Christmas!!! I love your Merry Christmas video....Thank You soooo much!!!!!

    Love Grandma & Grandpa
