Saturday, December 22, 2012

Manhattan Beach Pier


  1. Donna Mags Aces it She worked very hard we are all proud of her

  2. Congrats to Donna. Missing all the Magliatos and Legrecas. Love to you all. I will be volunteering at the Senior Center, serving Christmas dinner to the residents on Christmas Day. It will be good, but not the same as sharing it with all of you!
    I love you all.

    1. We will miss you Donna C this Christmas and we will miss Will & Claire and their Mom & Dad, but we are thrilled that you all had a great time on your journey;
      The photo of all of you on the mountain is great!

      Carl & Annette


    2. Grandma Donna We missed you tonight Christmas Eve. It was very nice but many people were missing... We got to meet Baby Lena...She is beautiful and she was very good...Did not cry at all....The kids had a blast especially when Santa came down the
      chimney then down the stairs....HO !HO! HO! Each child chose a song to sing with Santa... We all joined in.... Donna-- enjoy the day tomorrow.. I hope those old
      folks act better than they do when they go to BINGO.... smile

      Will, Claire, Mommy and Daddy we missed you too... We will celebrate when you get home
      Love Grandma Michele

  3. Hey guys-

    Uncle Ryan here. Looks like you guys are having an awesome trip! I must say though that your last two stops made me incredibly jealous. Disneyland AND Manhattan Beach?! Those are two of my favorites! Anyway, hope you guys are having fun and we look forward to hearing all about your trip when you get back!

    PS- So proud of Will for going on California Screamin! Even Aunt Liz was too scared to go on that one. You guys need to go on the Matterhorn though..its the best!

    Claire- I am glad you are having a better time in Manhattan Beach than the last time we all went...I remember you sitting at Lawrence's dining room table screaming out "I just want to go back to West Caaalllldwellllll!!!!!"

    Merry Christmas!!!

    Uncle Ryan
