Friday, December 21, 2012

Disneyland and California Adventure

Will is warming up to roller coasters on this one.  He later rode California Screamin' with Dan.  It was a very scary coaster with a loop and all.  He loved it.  

Claire getting ready to brave Big Thunder Mountain.

Yes, it is true.  For all of you who do not believe it, here is the proof that Dan came to the park today.  Unfortunately, it was a very crowded day but the kids had a wonderful time anyway.  As for Dan, you will have to ask him if he will ever go back again.  


  1. These are great ones! Looks like you had a blast!! You guys owned the place!! Love ya

    By the way Grandpa's new nick name is G.P. hahahaha

  2. Dan joined the men like Daddy who say that once is enough....What are they thinking?
