Saturday, December 29, 2012

Heard Museum of American Indian Art and History - Phoenix, Arizona

 We visited the Heard Museum in Phoenix on Saturday.  We got there just in time to see some Navajo dancers perform.  We enjoyed the dancing and then explored the museum for a couple of hours.  There were great crafts for the kids and the exhibits represented all of the local Native American peoples.
Claire and Will enjoy sacred Hogan Navajo Frybread.  

A great collection of Hopi Katsina dolls


  1. MMMMMMMMMM.......Navajo Fry Bread! yum!

  2. Donna Mags they are running to work off their Navajo fry bread

  3. Hi Coopermans,
    What a great trip! Happy New Year and enjoy the rest of your adventure. By the way, isn't it someone's B-day today, I think it might be Will's. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    Aunt Roseann

  4. Happy Birthday, Sweet William. I'm sending lots of hugs and kisses your way. I'll call later to sing you the birthday song.
    I love you,
    Grandma Donna

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday Will! Hope you heard our rendition on Mom's phone. So happy you were able to make this amazing journey... But we REALLY, REALLY miss you!! Safe trip back to NJ. XOXO

  6. Wow, you have seen so many historical places!!!
