Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Earthship - Taos, New Mexico

Earthship - These are really amazing. The structures are built primarily from recycled items, -tires, bottles, cans, old boards and windows. Most are built into the side of a hill and face south to maximize solar gain. The walls are made from tires that are filled with earth that is packed in tight with sledge hammers. Then cans and cement are used to create the exterior and interior walls. Solar panels and windmills generate the energy required to sustain these homes. The buildings are also designed to capture and store water from rain and snow melt. They have cisterns (big containers) that are hooked up to an elaborate filtration and pump system that separates the water for different uses (irrigation for indoor gardens, washing and flushing of toilets, and fresh water for drinking). These Earthships are 100% self sufficient and do not require any electricity or water from the town (they are off the grid).

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