Saturday, December 29, 2012

Heard Museum of American Indian Art and History - Phoenix, Arizona

 We visited the Heard Museum in Phoenix on Saturday.  We got there just in time to see some Navajo dancers perform.  We enjoyed the dancing and then explored the museum for a couple of hours.  There were great crafts for the kids and the exhibits represented all of the local Native American peoples.
Claire and Will enjoy sacred Hogan Navajo Frybread.  

A great collection of Hopi Katsina dolls

Friday, December 28, 2012

Climbing at Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree National Park

Skull Rock

Dan and his climbing crew

I was so interested in this woodpecker that I almost missed what was walking by in the background.
Can you spot him? 

He ended up getting a little too close.  I was just getting nervous when he ran the other way.

Claire is watching all the climbers on the rock behind her.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Sam, Blake, Will and Claire relaxing at the cabin on Christmas Day.

Will and Tyler have some fun!

We had a great time with Laurence, Vanessa and family at Big Bear Lake, California.  The kids had fun reuniting and spending the holiday together.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Manhattan Beach Pier

Heading west...

We have gone as far west as possible now. We have reached the Pacific Ocean. I guess it's time to turn around and head back east.  I had some technical difficulties in the last couple of days, but will post photos this evening.  We miss all of you. We love you...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Disneyland and California Adventure

Will is warming up to roller coasters on this one.  He later rode California Screamin' with Dan.  It was a very scary coaster with a loop and all.  He loved it.  

Claire getting ready to brave Big Thunder Mountain.

Yes, it is true.  For all of you who do not believe it, here is the proof that Dan came to the park today.  Unfortunately, it was a very crowded day but the kids had a wonderful time anyway.  As for Dan, you will have to ask him if he will ever go back again.  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

We surprised Will and Claire with an early Christmas present - a trip to Disneyland!

When they woke up in the hotel this morning, they asked where we were. We said, "Anaheim." Then Will  Googled Anaheim and was very excited to see Disneyland was here. Claire then opened the curtains to see Disneyland in the distance.  They were very excited children.

Disneyland Fun!