Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This is going to be a very late night!

Who knew that we would be passing right by Santa's Magical Kingdom tonight? We just settled into the car for a very long drive (maybe 10 hours) and noticed a whole hillside of lights and who knows what else. The sign says Santa's Magical Kingdom. We can't possibly pass this up now, can we? Look out Santa, we're coming to town.


  1. We cannot wait to see Santas Kingdom Grandma

  2. Grandma has alot of questions
    Where are you sleeping??

  3. Hi mom! The kids are sleeping in the back right now. Would be a shame to wake them to go into a hotel now. We are heading to Oklahoma City. We are wide awake.

  4. If you get tired just pop in a good book to keep you up! Can't believe how far you are already!
