Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Taos Pueblo

Yesterday we visited Taos Pueblo. It is considered to be the oldest continuously inhabited community in the US. The structure that Will and Claire are standing in front of is over 1,000 years old. The buildings are made entirely of adobe which is earth, straw and water mixed together. There is no running water or electricity in the pueblo.
There are only 100 people that still live in Taos Pueblo today, although there are many members that live right outside the walls. All of the villagers were very excited about the first snowfall of the year. It means they will be getting visitors that come to ski. Most houses are open to the public with art and fresh baked goods for sale. Taos has always been a center for trade.


  1. Taos looks beautiful in the snow! I love that place.

  2. I'm glad I bought some boots. It looks like I will need them pretty soon. Did you have a chance to go into the pueblos where people live? I bet they are beautiful inside.

  3. Wow, we can't wait for you to teach us about this place!!
