Thursday, December 6, 2012

Palo Duro Canyon

We drove through the night and made it to Amarillo, Texas early this morning. I had seen that there was a Crossfit gym nearby (Crossfit 806) and was able to attend a class. It was a hard workout especially on very little sleep but they were a nice bunch of folks so we all helped each other get through it. After the workout we went to Palo Duro Canyon in Canyon, Texas. This place is really beautiful. They bill it as the second largest canyon to the Grand Canyon. The kids enjoyed exploring and hiking the canyon and they both became Junior Rangers after successfully completing a scavenger hunt and written quiz. Palo Duro Canyon has stone cabins for rent at the bottom of the canyon so we plan to spend the night there tonight. We hear the stars look incredible from down there. Only one small setback today when we realized we neglected to pack our sleeping bags for the trip. A quick trip to Walmart fixed this and now we have blankets and sheets for our stay. It should be a great night sleep tonight and hopefully we will wake tomorrow refreshed and ready to make the drive to Santa Fe, NM.

1 comment:

  1. Look, Ro! More rangers!!!
    Were there any other people around? This place is so beautiful.
    - Aunt Liz
