Friday, November 23, 2012

Let's Go...

So we are starting to set things in motion... 
  • Ruled out the Airstream. Turns out that the Ford Flex doesn't have the ability to tow a trailer. We are disappointed but it will probably be warmer sleeping in hotels. We do plan to camp when in Joshua Tree and Southern CA so there will be some roughing it... 
  • We purchased the road atlas (Will is going to be our navigator)
  • Nailed down a preliminary list of destinations 
  • We have received the kid's new winter coats
  • Hiking boots are on order
  • Rock climbing lessons are set for this Sunday (NJ Rock Gym)
  • We have begun to contact family and friends that we hope to see along the way
  • We met with Will's teacher to let her know of our plans and have a meeting set for next week with Claire's teacher to do the same. 

1 comment:

  1. There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.”
    With a little sadness (because we'll miss you), and a little envy (because I wish we were going too!), I'll be keeping splendid thoughts for you on your journey!! Days filled with wonder, beautiful scenery and interesting humans... Nights filled with wide open starry skies. With the crazy season of obligatory gift giving upon us, can't think of a better, more special gift to give yourselves and the kids! Enjoy it all!! Love you all sooo much. XOXO
