Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year from the Grand Canyon! - Day 1

Our hike down into the canyon on the South Kaibab Trail

Claire is ready to hike back up 

Coming down the trail was definitely more fun

Will celebrated his birthday in the Grand Canyon Bright Angel Lodge

Happy New Year!  We wish you a happy and healthy 2013.  We have not had WiFi for a few days now.  We will update our adventures as soon as we can.  We miss you all and will see you soon. 


  1. It Is Grand!!! And Happy New Year to you, my sweet children.

  2. Wow, I hope I get to visit the Grand Canyon one day, too! So beautiful!

  3. What beautiful pictures. You are so lucky to have visited all these beautiful places.
    Will, hope you had a great birthday. Claire you look so grown up in the pictures, can't wait to
    see you all.

    Aunt Annette & Uncle Carl

  4. We miss you very much...Can"t wait for your return
    Love grandma & Grandpa

  5. Awesome Pictures! I want to hike to the bottom with you.
