Sunday, December 20, 2015

Afternoon skiing

Winter Park!

We said goodbye to Silverthorne and Copper and headed to Winter Park! We met up with Grandma, Aunt Jen, Chris, Steven and Greg. Matt came up with us as well. We skied today with everyone at Winter Park. By the afternoon, there was no visibility. It was a little scary, but fun. Will and Claire had fun following their big cousins around the mountain.

Skiing with cousins!

Incredible scenery at Copper!

We had a few cold and cloudy days, but Saturday was warm, clear and beautiful. We had a great time skiing with James, Gwen, Ben, Lily and Matt. It was so much fun. Will and Claire ended the day on Rosie's Run which was a black diamond full of bumps, trees and rocks.

Cousin Fun!!

Will's personal ski instructor - Thanks, Matt

Copper Mountain skiing!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Cold bear!

More fun


Copper Mountain

Today was the coldest day yet. Temperature was about 5 degrees, but should warm up for tomorrow.

Skiing at Copper Mountain!

It's been very cold out there, but everyone is having a great time. Will even tried out the GoPro today. We hope to post some footage soon.

I got an early Christmas present today when my binding broke on my snowboard.  Dan couldn't find a replacement piece as the board is 18 years old. My new board is great!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Views from the road up to the mountains!

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

This was a great zoo that is built into the side of the mountain in Colorado Springs.  Our first encounter was with giraffes that you could feed.  Next we saw a Mama lion playing with her three cubs.  Both were incredibly cool to watch, but our favorite must have been the gorillas and orangutans that were absolutely amazing.  We had a great day!

This giraffe kept trying to steal my map!